5star grooming products

5star grooming products
Contact: hasib
Address: , sialkot 51310, punjab

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Type: Pet Products


  • Business Details
5Star Grooming Products Company introduced itself as manufacturing company for pet grooming tools. Company analyzed that quality grooming tools at affordable prices always a need of pet grooming industry. 5Star Grooming Products company proudly manufacturing quality pet grooming products at reasonable prices. In time delivery and consistency in quality makes us different company as compare to other local companies. Our Products range is Pet grooming scissors, straight, curved, extreme curved, chunkers, thinning and ball tip, In hand stripping we offering stripping knives (extra fine, fine, medium and coarse teeth) and Stripping stones, Grooming accessories are coat kings, flea comb, nail clippers, hair pulling forceps, double tooth scaler, combs, groomer waist holsters, scissors cases, clipper blade case, 10 shear folding case, empty scissor case, groomer tote bags. Our Company also makes Barber Hairdressing scissors Shaving Razors and Eyelash Tweezers.